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I'm sure most of you have already seen this picture as it was posted on every blog known to man today. Just in case I'm the only shitty blog you read, below you'll find a pic of Lindsay Blohan "acting" in some new movie. You think that guy would have a better look on his face given the circumstance but the cross between panicked fear and constipation leads me to believe that Lohan's got one mean cold sore on her mouth. C'mon dude.... smile a little.
That dude can't smile until his doctor swings by the set to pump him full of antibiotics. I'm surprised his penis didn't fall off just because her mouth was in that general area of his body.
I think you called it, Kelditty. I don't care if all the other blogs posted it.
You assumed she gave a good BJ on the last post. and walla!