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Ummm...since when are tatoos "1999"?...obviously you don't know how long tats have been around...people get tats for a millions of different reasons ranging from wanting to express your love for someone to getting one just because it looks nice and these are two emotions(love and stupidity)that have been around forever and aren't going away which means that tats probably won't be going anywhere either...but in all honesty...that tatoo doesn't really flatter her...at least in this photo it doesn't...
Yes, tattoos have been around for a long time, but come on. Ever since 85% of all 18-year-olds-girl started to get a tribal on their inward curve of the lower part of the back, or worse the Pam-tatto around the upper arm, it's trash. At least in Europe. I don't know how you Americans see it, but then you're not really known to be fashion forward...
Anybody knows what it says?
Guess she has to match her husband with the too many too damn ugly tattoos. Why can't people realize tattoos are so 1999?