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Just in case you were wondering what your favorite G-list celebrity was up to........... Denise Richards: Still a slut. K-Fed still recognizes his own kids............eh nevermind someone probably told him that one was his. Brigette Nielson moved on to her tenth marriage. Jennifer Love loves McDonalds...hates Burger King...the King fucked her over for Brooke Burke. Yup still a slut.
Denises make up looks like a child put it on for her. She looks sickly. When she was with Charlie, she looked a lot better. But she never has been a beauty.
Very funny.............I sure hope your kidding and not another peda!!!....Tushay............(excuse my spelling cause I know it's wrong).....But seariously..........Kudos....(now that I can spell) Don't you just love this f**ken site???? It's a ritual after coming home from a night of drinking w/ my girls............GOTTA LOVE IT!!!!
denise looks bad now... so skinny and muscular... very unattractive