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I think the cover lookes great. Exept for that lame, non-expression Paris always seem to have. She looks so bored she's gonna die any minute (and please do!)...
As much as I wish what you all say would come true, there are too many peopleout there who will love her crappy songs. Assica Simpson(s) have multiplatinum CDs, so Paris will too.
That being said, I can't wait for this bitch to die.
come one its gonna be number 1!! sing it with me "you show me yours and i'll show you show me yours blah blah blah stars are blind blah" lmao this is GENUIS stuff omfg
I think the cover lookes great. Exept for that lame, non-expression Paris always seem to have. She looks so bored she's gonna die any minute (and please do!)...