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Readers have sent me several emails asking me to identify the celebrities that are in the pictures I post because sometimes it's hard to tell who is who. That's a great idea so here goes: Below you'll find a shot of Lindsay Lohan and her new fling Harry Morton..as in "my grandpa owns that place that serves $100 steaks" Morton "but hey I'm actually an entrepreneur because I own some joint called the Pink Taco funded of course by gramps"....and "hey look I don't even need to actually be their to run the restaurant...I just have someone else do that" because "hey I'm dating Lindsay Lohan and she gives great blow jobs". So there you have it, clear cut identification of a celebrity and her Z-list celeb hookup. Sorry for the rambling mess.....long day at work yesterday....long day........ Shouldn't he be behind her?
And she once again proves that it doesn't matter how much money, how many movies your in or who your with for the minute doesn't ever change the fact that you look like you just stepped out of a trailer. Yep, white trash my friend.
So THIS is the British guy she's dating?! Wow.