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The pictures of her driving w/Sean on lap, were thought provoking...then Sean fell out of a high chair,hmmmm, now she almost drops the baby while carrying cup in one hand baby in the other. I used to think he might be the luckiest baby in the world to have such a beautiful and talented mom, but now, I 'm scared for his future, and the future of their unborn.
this has got to be a dam joke right? how can this woman be so dam stupid? or is she asking to look like a complete jack ass and a bad mother in front of the world and possibly get her baby taken away? what a piece of trash what has happen to britney she isnt cool anymore, A FAN NO MORE!
OK, with my first baby, I drove with her in the front seat down the driveway from the mailbox to my house....she never fell out of the high chair, but did roll off of the couch, and who hasn't almost lost control of a squirmy baby at one time or another?!?! The only difference with THIS picture is that WE weren't in the SPOT LIGHT like SHE is. I'm not saying she's perfect, she really needs some parenting classes...but, then again, ALL first time parents need them!!!!
you would think, by reflex and maternal instinct, that she would immediately drop the lass to use both hands on sean when he was falling....but nope, she holds that glass for dear life. I bet sean didn't fall off his high chair, Brit probably "forgot" to put babygates in her house, he probably took a spill down 3 flights of stairs.
HA! HA! Those photos had me cracking up....did you notice she didn't even drop the glass, let alone drop the drink inside the glass....come on now, any GOOD mom knows to drop the glass to save your baby.
OMG- Is Brit drunk, in that pic? Cause she sure looks it! Yikes, Joan Crawford was a better mother.