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Cityrag thinks Teri Hatcher like the taste of wine. I don't like you in that way thinks Lindsay Lohan is unlucky. Dlisted has video footage of our favorite anorexics.....in a supermarket. The Superficial shows a transformed Tara Reid. Purpleolf thinks there was a gun involved in Tori Spelling's wedding. Perhaps a shotgun. They tell me that this is a shot of Britney Spears. I find it hard to believe. Isn't the kid normally on her lap?
He needs some kind of neck support too. If she had to stop short, he could be badly injured.
Well it's not as if she cares, right? It's not like she's going to win any mother-of-the-year award.
I feel so sorry for that kid. He doesn't have a chance of growing up normal, and he may not have a good chance of growing up period, with two imbeciles for parents and no one looking out for his safety and well-being.
Also if you're pregnant you shouldn't have the seatbelt across your abdomen like that. It should go around and under her belly.
This makes me sick that she's pregnant again. I pray for both of her children. Yeah, my first thought was that he should still be in a rear facing seat. Wasn't she also snapped a few weeks back drinking cocktails at a birthday party for K Funk?
This was about the same age that my son was switched to face forward. He was so big and over 20 pounds at 7 or 8 months, his legs were all scrunched up when he faced backwards and his head was taller than the top of the infant carrier- so that's not safe either. I always strap him in tight and he has always found a way to slump over when he falls asleep. I am so sick of holier than thou parents- or women who are not even parents yet- judging this girl!!!! Get over yourself! I like to bash celebrities as much as everyone else but I am just sick of people picking apart every aspect of her parenting. The only bad parenting move she continues to make is keeping that idiot husband around.
Please take another look at the name of this site. Judging celebrities is what this site is about. If you don't like it take yourself elsewhere. Thank you.
He's not too big for that carseat and studies show that he should be rear-facing until he's year old. But in California there is no law stating that he should be facing the other way. There is a reason that most states have enacted the law to have them rear-facing in the car--it's just safer for the babies in the event of accident. She needs to spend less time at Starbucks and more time with some other mommies to learn how to take care of her kids!
Geez ya'll, what's the big deal? She's just goin' to the Piggly Wiggly for some smokes and some Red Bull. Do babies gotta be strapped in right for that????
he isnt even strapped in correctly. he is still supposed to be facing backwards. hope he has sunscreen