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britney looks better than she has in a long time actually but she still looks rough and the fake smile is a cover up for all that pain shes feelin inside im soooo glad im not her shoes but one I do wish I had was her money....at least shes got that on her side which does make it a better otherwise shed be on welfare
britney has seen better days she doesnt look good anymore that orange sack gotta go yuck! and she looks like she hasnt bathed in a week shoes are cute though her hair is greasy and not brushed
orange jumpsuit, now that is too funny!!! someone needs to call her mama to come and get this child, before she kills him!!! And hopefully she will take the baby too when its born!!. Brit just ain't parent material, and forget K-fag, he just know how to spit them out!
I think she looks cute. Not super slutty but showing off her nice legs. If Gwen Steffani wore that you would think it was hot shit. I am glad she is trying to pull herself together a little bit. That girl needs some real friends ASAP.
i think she looks better here...maybe that's because I don't dislike her a lot or anything. I think she's one hell of a talented performer, just that she married wrong and married young and thus had lots of bad publicity from then on. Hope she gets herself together and maybe things will go right for her again!
She's making mistakes that any young girl could make -- and no one would notice. My gosh. When my son was little, I put him on the bathroom countertop in his bouncy chair while I got ready (about 2 feet away) and somehow he hooked his foot over the ledge and tipped himself over on his head. He was okay -- the doctor said no head trauma -- but I thought I would die. Jeez. It's just that the mistakes she's making are being made for the whole world to see. She needs to be smarter and get some good help -- people who aren't just going to "yes" her.
1st! Ditty you are on a roll today!