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Well, Sean P. Fed is not wearing his trucker's cap, so is this before or after she almost dropped him head-first into the ground?
I feel for the poor girl, as she is under more scrutiny than most new moms, but come on. I thought she was wearing a swimsuit cover-up. A little advice, Brit: draw attention away from yourself!!! Hell, even the kid in the high-chair can't help but stare!!!
I saw a video of her in this restaurant, this was right after she tripped while holding SPF. She was crying in a booth while the papas snapped away at her through a window. I feel really bad for her, it really was a split second thing. If I were her I wouldn't be able to take the damn media anymore, everyone has to have a breaking point. I personally think she dresses like this as a big old fuck you to the media, there's no way she's not aware of what people say about her style. I think she just no longer cares and even takes it further to be a bitch. But talking about her parenting, that takes irreparable stabs at a woman's heart and I do feel bad for her today.
I do have a heart, cold and black as it is, but WTF, she's 6 monthes pregnant and dressing like this? And here's a clue...if you want the media to go away, go low profile bitch.
Ok, it's not the backless shirt that irritates me... it's the black bra that doesn't even pretend to hide under it. My god... just put on a tshirt or something. Don't bother trying to dress up or dress "stylish" (whatever that means to britany) if you're going to mismatch the shirt with your bra so horribly.
The child is south Louisiana white trash, what exactly were you expecting? In the world she grew up in Kfug is perfect, incapable of contributing anything of value; and no, baby batter isn't really valuable. Any crack whore can get knocked up, isn't that right, Courtney Love?
Sometimes it's just sooo hard for me to believe THIS was once pop royalty. I feel I must give credit where credit is due... she has the balls to walk out like that....at least she's not a stuck up BITCH!! I'll let the eye sore slide!!
This girl is beyond pathetic. Underpants hanging out, bra hanging out, extensions hanging out. Almost drops the baby. Girl, go some place where nobody, especially your sperm donor, can find you and get your shit together before this next kid gets out.
fobuwptWasn't her tv show tag line can u handle the truth? Hmmm makes me wonder if she can? Some one must tell her she looks awful in the rags she has been wearing lately and doesn't believe it obviously
once again i love her. she is who she really is , not trying to diet and starve . she is a true pregnant person. Not worrying about what random people think
britney fucking spears! are you kidding me?