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It's not always the smartest idea to hang out with your best friend's ex-fiance five minutes after the split.... but then again the words smart" and "Lindsay Lohan" don't typically go in the same sentence. Apparently Lohan forgot to consult Ask Jeeves before she left her house for the nightand ending up snuggling up to DJ AM at some Hollywood schmooze-a-thon party. Poor Nicole. I've never seen an anorexic with a gun before but I'm looking forward to it.
lindsay is gross..how can someone her age be attracted so so many men, especially older, wrinkly ones? doesn't she have any real/good friends or family who can actually tell her the truth? or is she that sucked into hollywood that she completely forgot who are her real friends and family?
Parasite has stolen most of her friends' boyfriends- that's why her only friends are her sister, the dick Brandon Davis, and the ugly Caroline D'Amore- who will probably be off the list soon too b/c Paris will fuck her over as well.
i'm sure lohan fucked him