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"Quick over here Lindsay....this way to the coke dealer.....umm machine," shouted friend Hohan. Seriously. Who's this skeeze? Clearly Lohan is running out of friends.
Why isn't her friend screaming shit about Parisite??? Gotta return fire for the TMZ "firecrotch" incident people..I need to be entertained, and talentless movies just don't cut it.
Lindsay was at Webster Hall last night, completely wasted. She refused to use the VIP bathroom because it had bad lighting. Instead, she commandeered the public bathroom using 8 bodyguards for 30 mins while she "primped". Complete bitch!!!!
your jelousy for Lindsay is glaring and you feed off of britany's troubles I don't even wanna know what YOUR face looks like. Your the typical girl I went to HS with....jelous, average,and nothing more than another sheep in the herd!!
what the...? i didn't know "cool" celebrities are not allowed to have friends, wo are not "cool and famous"... what a bullshit!