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Keira Knightly is speaking out after accusations that the star is anorexic. Although Keira admits that almost everyone in her family except the cat suffers from the disease, Knightly assured fans that she doesn't have an eating disorder. "I've got a lot of experience with anorexia -- my grandmother and great-grandmother suffered from it, and I had a lot of friends at school who suffered from it, so I know it's not something to be taken lightly and I don't. "But I don't have it, I am very sure of that." I have no idea why people think Keira is anorexic. The concave chest and protruding bones don't exactlyscream anorexic to me but then again I'm blind and slightly delirious. It's a good thing she's got that brown piece of shit around her neck so people don't confuse her for an ironing board.
She NEEDS to eat! She isn't just ''thin'', she's skin and bones! She looks like a concentration camp survivor. How can anyone consider that attractive?
Just because someone is thin doesnt make them anorexic.
Anorexia is not about how you look. If you starve yourself in order to get weight--you have anorexia. Its the act that makes you anorexic, not the way you look. Samething will bulimia (throwing up). It doesnt matter if you are slim, inbetween, heavy whatever... Assuming everyone who is skinny has some disorder, or likes to be that way is really dumb.
Thanks for the text book analysis on Anorexia and what not...but unless you have AIDS or are undergoing Chemo.........this is NOT NORMAL.....not to mention NOT HEALTHY.......She never looked like this before. Besides you know when someone goes out of their way to try and convince people that they do not have a problem............in reality THEY DO.....and she so obviously does. Get your eyes checked hunny!!
Oh yah......your obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. Go back to the first grade and learn how to read and write.......oh yah....and an eye exam!!!LOL.....LOL...LOL
hey guys, im really thin, and have been that way since i was born. to say that being thin automatically makes you either anorexic, bulimic or sick is just wrong. it really pisses me off. i AM NOT anorexic and eat much more than the majority of people i know, i just have a fast metabolism. you wouldnt go up to an overweight person and say "hey, do you have polio? coz YOUR FAT" but you would go up to someone thin and say "do you have anorexia?" people dont realise its very insulting and hurtful and anyway, curves arnt all there is to being beautiful.
Keira has always been thin. Ok, maybe not quite this thin but the amount of weight loss she has definately does not make her anorexic. I'm appalled you say that having anorexic friends and family makes her more likely to be anorexic. The opposite is true. I have 2 severly anorexic friends and seeing them killing themselves is the biggest anti-weightloss ad ever.
Keira LOVES the attention. Used to be absolutely chubby in my opinion. Why else would she wear that dress, pull her shoulders forward so her ribs protruded from the back, and suck in her stupid face? I hope she does starve to death. One fewer useless, annoying human.
omg! whatever happened to her?! tsk tsk!