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Jessica is beautiful. 10 times prettier than Vanessa, Nicks new girlfriend. I heard that Vanessa and Jessica are friends and a long time ago Vanessa encouraged Jess to leave Nick and now Vanessa is with Nick. Don't know if its true but if so, that sure is shitty of Vanessa.
Jessica sucks. She married Nick when his career was much better than hers. He loved her despite her "dumb blonde" ways. As soon as she became the bigger star, she leaves him. Anyone who supports her in their break-up is a moron. She doesn't even look pretty anymore. She walks around town looking like trash. I wouldn't say I'm Team Nick, but I'm definitely Team-Anyone-But-Jess
She gave up a balding, fat, big nose,man tittie, midget that have nothing else to talk about, but cry and shed tears about why Jessica left him, sorry ass loser!Team Jessica for sure!
Jessica is beautiful. 10 times prettier than Vanessa, Nicks new girlfriend.
I heard that Vanessa and Jessica are friends and a long time ago Vanessa encouraged Jess to leave Nick and now Vanessa is with Nick. Don't know if its true but if so, that sure is shitty of Vanessa.
Team Jess :)