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hahahahahaHAHAHA, man look at the drivers face. MAN IS HE PISSED!!! aaaahaha, dude you know he wishes he could speed up the car. Man look at the look on the cops face to the right(in the middle of the green poster and the photographer). That cops just like "eh, whatever...happens everyday".
he is promoting a movie. it's his job to be a little over the top and grab peoples' attention. if i was a producer who pumped 100 million bucks on a movie, you bet your ass i would want this mofu promoting it. he is good at his job. don't be hating on tom.
I've always wondered what the Tom Cruise craze is about: He's not that great of an actor. He's not attractive unless you like the look of a man with a rat face (only exception is Top Gun). He has obvious mental issues.
This is the Thetan version of walking on water....