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Dirty bare feet, kid looks sunburnt on his face (but he IS cute), velcro wrap towel..yup, you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl...
you know, I just hate when all ya'll peoples are griping about me not putting sunscreen on little sean preston. I did, duh, it's clear. I am a good mom, ya know. Well, except for letting him fall a lot.
Cute? Ugg Seriously?? Please, that child is nothing special. Seems to me to be the typical run-of-the-mill white trash kid whos kinda not ugly because he's a chubby baby, but you know is gonna grow up fug.
o i see that she is wering a cap but wath about the baby (maybe Brad and Angelina should rescue him);)