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"My rap career is hot. I like to smoke the pot. For those who say it's not. I'll make you eat your snot. Yeah homeboy yeah homeboy yeah homeboy yeaaaahhh." Okay I don't really know if these are the words that he was singing but it's a fair guess that I'm probably somewhat close.If any of my dear readers happened to have attended this lovely event, then let me know what the correct words are so I can make the necessary corrections.........because I'm sure the pot lyric is totally wrong. C'mon C'mon dooooo the locamotion. So c'mon c'mon dooooo the locamotion with me. I like big butts and I cannot lie...you other brothers can't deny. Oh...and it was a classy event too.
My name is K-Fed and I'm hotter than hot I'm cooler than cool Britney knows what she's got I make fine hand motions and smoke lots of pot I'm "hotter than a pizza oven"*** I'm "hotter than a pizza oven"
My friends are all fine from every walk in life I am God's gift to Earth Better than my wife. I hope y'all get it and realize who I am I'm "hotter than a pizza oven" I'm "hotter than a pizza oven"
God I hate him. His exorbitant self-love is baseless. Could someone wake him up now?
In the last pic, the peeps could have been cut and pasted from the front yard of any white trash trailer park in america...LOVVVEEE the chick in the background with the black doo rag!! WTF??
Wow, that guy really DOES look like Dennis Quaid. And no, I don't think that's Brit in the picture. She probably didn't even go to this "concert", if you can call it that.
Does he really say he's "hotter than a pizza oven" in one of his songs???? What an idiot! So smug, so nasty, so ick.....
My name's KFed and I cannot lie
cheez doodles make me come on high
my wife's a ho
my tummy's getting fat
look at my big gut, yo!