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Hey, everybody, I'm a celebrity...oh, wait, don't look at me....but then again, I'm a star....oh, no, go away...MAKE UP YOU F-ING MIND BITCH!!! personally, I hope she decides to just go away.
Jessica was always totally unappreciative of everything Nick did for her, unless it was buying her jewelry or having a closet built for her gazillions of clothes she only wants to wear once. There's also the time he built the recording studio in their home and couldn't wait for Jessica to come home and see it cause "Jessica's gonna love this!" and what did he get when she finally did come home..."I don't wanna see it" in that whiny voice just cause that couch she didn't like was in it....... Or even all that work Nick and Drew did putting that grass sod down while she was gone. And that time he put the arcade games in that room upstairs and bought that one especially so she could play it with him. After much convincing, she finally played it and couldn't even pretend she was enjoying it. She was always whining when she didn't get her way and could never even ACT happy or glad for anything Nick did unless it was specifically done for her. A simple "Oh that's great honey!" goes a long way. She even got the dog she wanted after whining and pouting enough. It takes the patience of a saint to put up with that crap. I don't see how anybody could ever doubt his love and commitment to her. Hers, on the other hand, was always questionable.
yummmmmmmmmm chocolate muffins.. umm..