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When, exactly, did concave chests with pancake-flat breats become the ''in'' thing? No wonder so many guys hang out in strip clubs. It's probably the only place they ever get to see breasts that are bigger than their own.
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life never make a pretty woman your wife So for my personal point of view get an ugly girl to marry you(x2) A pretty woman makes her husband look small and worryin' and problems be his downfall As soon as they marry why then she starts To do the things that will break his heart But if you make an ugly woman your wife You'll be happy for the rest of your life An ug-gl-y woman don't tell no lie She'll always give you peace of mind Chorus(x2) solo So, let your friends say you have no taste Go ahead and marry anyway Though her face is ugly her eyes don't match Take it from me she's a better catch Chorus Hey man! I saw your wife the other day an' she sho' is uuuugly! She's so ugly you could press her face into dough and make gorilla cookies But she sho' can cook! Chorus
In no way is Misha Barton flat! Have you seen her in a swim suit or even on the O.C? She has one of the healthiest bodies I've ever seen..she's slim, yet not skinny. She has enough meat on her, both the front and the back! And she's so pretty and model-esque-looking. No wonder she makes so many girls jealous, with her good looks and her earning the big bucks!
That thing looks more like a cat.