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She's a useless piece of human trash. She looks like her father which is nothing to be proud of (honk, honk). She also has one of those faces that you know with certainty won't age well - ewww.
I basically knew nothing about her (save the motor crash) and didn't care to. When I heard the comments about Aniston and now Heather Mills leg... This woman is just really, really a piece of shit.
She's a useless piece of human trash. She looks like her father which is nothing to be proud of (honk, honk). She also has one of those faces that you know with certainty won't age well - ewww.
I basically knew nothing about her (save the motor crash) and didn't care to. When I heard the comments about Aniston and now Heather Mills leg... This woman is just really, really a piece of shit.