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Can someone please get this bitch some legitimate maternity clothes? Forever 21 is only appropriate for the under 18 crowd... who aren't freaking pregnant. GEESH! She completely disgusts me...
Who is representing Brit? Does she have a PR person-- or heaven forbid-- a stylist?? I mean really-- if you're trying to set the record straight and let everyone know that you're not complete trailer trash, wouldn't you try to look a little bit less like it yourself?? Did she even brush her hair? The frosted eye shadow and bubble gum pink lipstick really sets it all off. It's time to take a few lessons from other preggo moms who have done it right-- Gwen, Angie, and Mariska to name a few.
why is it called forever 21 if it's for girls under 18? it's actually a label for the younger working class...because the stuff can be pretty expensive, like top shop.
Britney is STILL with K-fed, yall and yes she gave her beloved fans the bird, and some of you still have sympathy for her. She will NEVER dump K-fed for any of her diehard fans, so if anything why don't you guys help her raise her son like a respectable mom. Why don't you guys give her parenting tips because the ugly hick definitely needs it!
Brit has absolutely no etiquette. She was chomping on gum like a cow eating grass, her breasts were about to fall out and her jean skirt barely covered her butt when she sat down. Her make up looked horrendous like a child panted it and her hair was greasy and unbrushed.
It amazed me how inarticulate and uneducated she really is. She was unable to complete an entire sentence. Matt kept ending her sentences and she would simply agree. She was also unable to follow the conversation. Matt was trying to ask her if all the attention about her being a bad mom had some validity because some of her actions were dangerous and she didn't get it. She kept saying that's America for you, and laughing saying accidents happen.
She was unable to describe why she loved her husband, she said, “His heart, he’s a man” and other things like that. It was just bad. She wouldn’t describe her son. All she had to say was he’s growing, he’s starting to walk & talk. Something simple but she couldn’t. She doesn’t know what type of music to make and couldn’t tell Matt what she listens to. She didn’t understand the negative connotation with “Redneck”. She said she thought it was horrible to place labels on people and then said “We’re Country”. One of the most annoying things was the air quotes that wouldn’t end. Please someone explain to her what quotes are used for.
The killer was when she said she’s creating a children’s clothing line because she loves money. It’s very sad that Britney was never able to mature and develop her own mind. She really is a pretty little thing with no talent. She should really read a book, or take some sort of a course. It angers me to see women who could empower other women but instead chose the easy, bimbo route. Someone should have been there to look after her. Her mind simply hasn’t developed – she’s still a little girl.
It was a sad interview. Did anyone else notice that every time she said Kev was great and her marraige was great, she either looked down or away....classic body language of a liar. Poor poor girl, she needs to move to a deserted island for a few years and get her f-ing head on straight.
Since she's just about at rockbottom, I see something inevitable in her future: the COMEBACK! She's going to clean up, kick KFed to the curb, release a new record, and look hot again. It might take 6 months or a couple of years, but I see it in the future. America loves a new start and I can't wait to see her lift herself out of this hole!
There is no hope for her I don't think. She could pull herself out of this if she wanted to, but she doesn't think that there is anything wrong with the way she looks, cares for SPF or anything else. Forming sentences is the easy part. She wasn't able to put together one full sentence, she is so dumb. Just dumb. Why would you have an interview at YOUR house to tell everybody how it is and then you dress like that?? She looks used. Then she talks about how her dad used to take her for drives in the country with her in his lap, yeah dumbass, in the country where there probably wasn't any traffic or people even. They said she had been driving down the Pacific Coast Highway for craps sake, they should have taken SPF away for a short time to teach her a lesson. That baby could have gone flying out the front of the damn car! Then she says that there will be a hundred "oops" incidents????? Why don't you stop having "oops" situations?? She tries to make it sound like it was they're fault. She is the one doing these things and then she gets pissed off when they catch her doing it and show the world what a retard she is endangering her child like that. A hundred "oops"???? SPF won't make it to the hundredth oops! I don't even usually comment but the upcoming "interview" was all over the place in the news and how she cries and bullshit and then that's how she represents herself?? Damn she needs help. Mentally. That bitch is a mental wheelchair for cripes sake. She didn't even really defend herself, and she did allow Matt aka man that ovulates to basically say everthing. Seriously put down the drink when you walk with your child in your arms, especially when you KNOW you will be swarmed with people. Complete dumbass. So stupid. I feel sorry for her that this is what she has become. When they showing the part about when Matt first met her, and she had on a long white jacket I think, nice hair. OMG, it had to be a different person. That person was poised, classy, intelligent, able to form sentences ect. Makes you think that maybe somebody has been smoking a little too much crack over the years.
I couldn't agree more about the PR that's MIA. She may have to call in the big gun's and hire Courtney Loves style, PR and legal team.
Oh yeah.. The Comeback. That's almost the funniest thing iv'e heard since "Po-Po-Zao!" I just can't believe everyone in her buisness of a life let her just toss it all like that. She must really hate her parents.
Poor Britney, I do feel sorry for her...but she does look remarkably like Miss Piggy in the first picture.