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Britney Spears opens up to Matt Lauer regarding her personal life in an interview set to air on Dateline NBC this Thursday. Spears drew waves of criticism earlier this year when she was photographed with her infant son sitting on her lap as she drove. Spears warns people to stop judging her. "I did it with my dad. I'd sit on his lap and I drive," the Louisiana native said. "We're country." Oh lordy...here we go. Yeah Britney....... you don't exactly hear people saying "My family runs around shooting people like the Soprano's because hey....we're Italian". Oh well....at least she admits she's a hillbilly. He's probably blowing smoke in her ear to see if she gets a buzz. Hell no this picture isn't recent. Remember the two haven't been photographed together for 74 days but who's counting right....
k-fed is another dirty boy,,,,how can you women say these guys are sexxy,,pitt included,,,a clean showered man is more sexxy to me then these two has beens...
ha! k-fed best count his money now cuz it's all going to go away soon.