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Notice how the top of the straw is chewed shut? That way, she can suck all day with absolutely no calories or nutritional value. way to go!! The death watch is on.
Hmmm, I think the top of the straw is chewed because her body was trying to get at the contents, like an automatic reflex, much like an animal will chew it's own foot off if it is stuck in a trap. The truth is the poor girl has only enough strength in her little scrawny body to suck the contents of the cup up the straw but no further. It's a cry for help people! Fortunately I can help. I have a special straw she can suck on, and the contents will come out under considerable pressure into her mouth and down her throat. The creamy, protean-y goodness will have both nutritional and theapeutic effects. Plus I don't mind a few gentle bites. But only a few...
Notice how the top of the straw is chewed shut? That way, she can suck all day with absolutely no calories or nutritional value. way to go!! The death watch is on.