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Aaron Spelling must be having a coronary. Tori Spelling got married over the weekend for a second time. It's pretty doubtful that she bothered to get a pre-nup since "she's so in love" and "Oh they're just made for each other". Hey Tori...just because this dude tattooed your naked body all over his entire right arm does not give you any type of relationship security. Shit..you're Tori Spelling. People don't marry you for your winning personality. It's called a bank account.A large bank account with lots of money. Sweet. You married a dude that knows how to grow grass.
I guess that little plot of land demonstrates what he brings to the Marriage. "See Honey? You bring your semi-fame and all your Daddy's money, and I will bring my vast real-estate Empire! I've even got it right here!"
lucky guy. one day hes going to drive a brinks truck right over aaron spellings lifeless corpse and clean that little bitch out