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How would her *cough* ''surprise'' second pregnancy ruin any plans to leave him? It's not as if she's dependant on him for money, or a place to live. The number one reason most women stay in a bad relationship is financial dependance on the man. She could dump his sorry ass, have ten more kids, if she really wanted to and not even notice he's gone.
I did read that she wanted her children to have the same father, whether they were together or not. I think she planned this one...the quicker she got more of his sperm, the quicker she could be done with him. Sean is gorgeous but let's be honest, he is not the first man I would want DNA from for a child.
us weekly has been right about brad & jen breaking up, brad dating angie and her bieng pregnant, britney bieng pregnant, jessica & nick so i hope their also right about this
Brit has all the money in the world, I am sure a real tight prenup and because she is preggers again she can't leave his sorry ass. How trapped can she be. I am also sick of the way everyone says poor Brit 2 children in diapers. Like her nanny won't be taking care of those problems.
How would her *cough* ''surprise'' second pregnancy ruin any plans to leave him? It's not as if she's dependant on him for money, or a place to live. The number one reason most women stay in a bad relationship is financial dependance on the man. She could dump his sorry ass, have ten more kids, if she really wanted to and not even notice he's gone.