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"Seriously, when Kate was pushing Suri out, it got about this big! Hurry dude, you do Brooke's! Look, it's Brooke and Kate's pooties giving birth! Woooo I love this woman!!"
is their no limit to this man's stunts?! first he marries someone he could have fathered, then he wants to be black! how ever i do admire his stunts, they are hilarious
Y'know in American Sign Langiage that is the sign for "vagina" - no foolin'! Except the fingertips would be pointing towards the floor.
Of course that is if the woman is standing up, ya see! The way they are holding their hands, the woman would have to be...well, lying down I suppose.
What I am wondering is, how would Tom Cruise know anything at all about a woman's coochie? That must mean something else to Scientologists.
I love the expression on the face of the woman at the left of the picture. I think maybe she knows sign language.