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Lionel Richie says that it is all his fault why his daughter Nicole does not eat. Richie says that his daughter is stressed over his divorce. Yeah I'm sure Nicole is reeaall concerned with your divorce since it might effect the number of Prada bags she's allowed to buy in one year. Does Mary Kate know you stole her look?
OK, first it was stress over her impending wedding, then stress over her breakup, now stress over Lionel's divorce. Come on, stop making excuses. We all have stress in life, but we all don't starve ourselves! She'll be on dialysis by age 30.
For someone starving herself to death, she sure does go to alot of restaurants....bitch is testing her self control I guess. "I'll have the $50.00 special, and a barf bag to go. please."
nicole's hands look scary and small and just freakish! how can her fiance find her attractive or even the least bit sexy yuck! theres nothing to hold on to!
OK, first it was stress over her impending wedding, then stress over her breakup, now stress over Lionel's divorce. Come on, stop making excuses. We all have stress in life, but we all don't starve ourselves! She'll be on dialysis by age 30.