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Oh christ........Bitch is pregnant fo' real and fo' sure. I can't upload pictures right now so I've go nothing for you. Who the hell wants to see a picture of that bitch anyways.
Good Lord...she puts the trailer back into barefoot and pregnant. What a cow she is. She proves over and over that money just can't buy you any class. Ick...what a pig
brit needs to get her tubes tied after this one and kick kgross to the curb asap then work on a plan to get that body back into shape and clean up that mess she made of her life if there is any shred hope left of her career what the hell is wrong with brit!!!??? he is ruining her life!!
I would not want to be Brit right now knowing that I ruined my career,my body and looks. I have a 8 month old infant with another one on the way, my husband is spending all my money and wants to party all the time and he has no job cause I'm supporting him and dont forget he has another baby mama, 2 other small children, and people on blogs making fun of me and my fans hate me now. Hell no i dont want that life!
Omg will you leave britney alone! fs.. shes gettin bk her life shes a great sucess and her album is amazin and i know so0 many people who will agree with me! Yous are all clearly jealous.. clearly shes makin some sort of statement with this.. tht you dnt have to be skinny n all to be famous! lyk okay shes gettin bk in shape and good on her.. shes such an inspiration!! ah ghee you bitches who dont like her.. "Britneys Back! :D"