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I find this story to be totally humorous. Nick Lachey and Laguna Beach Star, Kristin Cavallari, were seen having a drink at Stanley's in Sherman Oaks, California. The duo are reportedly "just getting to know each other" says a few friends of the pair........and by getting to know each other, I think that means having a quick drink and then getting down to the sex part. Does this mean they'll get their own reality show? No, let's talk about your obnoxious make-up from the 80's. She stole it straight out of my caboodle. Are you going to take my crimping iron next?
Caboodles. I remember them. This whole Kristin Cavallari thing smells of publicist set up. I'm not buying it yet. I need to see Nick and Kristin slurping down some Starbucks through a blurry 400 mm lens photo before i know there really an item.
HAHAHAHA That is some scary looking makeup. It is ridiculous that this girl is on the cover of Us Weekly. She's famous because her daddy's rich, she lives in a cool place, and she's a bitch...amazing. Now I'm not saying I didn't watch Laguna Beach, but why the hell is she still around? Someone needs to hit her in the head with a Caboodle
I don't see the big deal about her makeup. It's not garrish or sloppily applied. IMO, that's one of the best pics I've ever seen of that girl. What exactly is so 80's about it? In fact, I think it's pretty.
No it's actually not that bad..just that some of us dislikes her a lot and just like to insult her. You'll find that a lot on this site..which makes it fun as it's celeb-bashing. Sometime it gets out of hand.
skanksten is just scraping/sucking/fucking/blowing the bottom of the sewer/gutter/trashpile/producers/ ANY CELEB she can find to ensure her on the mags again.....since her shitty UPN show failed, lilke everything else she does, t=with those buck teeth, fake hair, donkey nasal voice and those eyes? sorry, tijuana back alley job...she looks like someone hit her in the back of the head with a brick and the pie face, and fat bod arnt doin too much for me. along with the "i shit ice cream!" attitude. i wouldnt touch her with my worst enemy's prick, that STD-ridden ho slept with every/anything that moves!!! ( moves her to fame )
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.