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Wow. But what's with the roots? Doesn't her hair stylist tag along with her shopping? Does he not do hair anymore. And did her grandmother do her make up? Or a 12 year old?
I think she looks a bit chunky in the face..Could be the whole pulling the hair back in a bun or could be sitting at home pining away for a phone call from Pimp Daddy Simpson, Nick, Adam Levine, Guys from Jackass, or Ken Paves her hairdresser..Ya know if they got together, yeah I know he swings the other way, but just hear me out..If they got together it would totally be like Barbie and Ken, you could dress them and make them fake kiss, and they could lay down and take "Fake naps together" LOL
Hee Heeeeeee!! I know. I was nice to her. But I was in a good mood today.