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Sienna Miller likes her booze but hey... don't all of us. The actress recently got a little tipsy at a charity bash for terminally ill children and rolled around on the floor in front of a watching crowd . “She’d obviously had a few drinks and was all over the place but didn't seem to care who was watching,” the Mirror quoted the source, as saying. So correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is the first story about Sienna in the last six months that didn't involve Jude Law or her attacking the paparazzi. At this point she could roll around naked on the floor in front of children and fondle the DJ and it's still better then a story about her humping Jude or going nuts on a cameraman. Perhaps she wasn't drunk and just sniffed a lot of highlighters.
Ahhhhhh, my thoughts exactly! Those are glow sticks and she was probably rolling her ass off on ecstacy! No one ever plays with those unless they are rolling!
I'm anon 6:28. She has the makings of a beautiful girl with all the money in the world, then she cuts her hair like she did it hersel blindfolded, grows in roots, dresses herself like a 4 year old who was allowed to choose their own wardrobe at kmart, and rolls on the floor like a rave kid. She's made herself ugly, ain't my fault, so don't hate.
She is playing with terminally ill children. A lot of adults have diffiuculty getting down to a childs level and enjoying thier company, it seems to me that she has a passion for it, which explains why she donates to this charity in the first place. To me its obvious that she is just enjoying dying childrens company. Isnt that the best way to help?
This B*tch is worthless. I was at the bar in Pittsburgh that she got kicked out of. You should have seen it. What a worthless hunk of life. She got so sh*tty with the bouncer because she didn't have ID couldn't get in and then got kicked out after sneaking in! We laughed at her stupid ass.
Homegirl is fuuuugly.