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Some famous chick I've never heard of, Keisha Buchanan, claims that Kevin Federline scoped her out at a club recently.Buchanan claims Spears doesn't seem to understand that Federline is checking out girls galore right in front of her. She says, "Kevin gave me a 'look', and Britney just grabbed his arm and pulled him in close to her. "He is probably all over loads of girls and if we can see it, why can't she?I'm sure Britney realizes that Kevin is checking out girls right in front of her but at this point that's the least of her problems. Although Federline appears to have some sort of magical sperm, making gaga eyes at girls won't get them pregnant. At least we don't think it will, right? When he's not smoking pot or spending Britney's money, K-Fed likes to pretend he's Miami Vice.
Keisha is ok, just that they all look pretty with make-up on. But they are a talented group of singers, although I prefer the past sugababes before the redhead left the group.
Kevin Federline is such a creep! I bet he'd probaby turn into those dirty old men when he gets older. He lives off his wife and produces stupid raps. How pathetic can he get.
Britney used to b super hot, way much hotter than never-heard-of sugarbabes before that loser fed came into her life and her body. FedEx and justin joker u both shud fuck each other!!!
Keisha is an an uk band called The Sugababes, she is a slimmed down version of Shar Jackson.