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yeah, she can stay out all she wants and ruin her already haggard self, but that is child abuse to keep your kid out in the blazing sun! first, she exposes her son to the awful mooch she married then endangers thehell out of him in a car, no seat belt, on lap-- come on i dont have kids, but what a terrible mother!!!! PS oh yeah, shes so gross.. shes pretty much offensive to all the 5 senses
The only thing that would shock me about that would be that she IS breastfeeding (b/c we know she's smoking again). There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with breastfeeding in public.
If she did, that would be the first normal, natural, healthy thing I have ever seen that poor sleazeball do. God help the poor boy, cause you know he's on nasty formula. That stuff is poison, guess what the next round of class action food industry lawsuits is going to be about?
Oh for the love people....... There is nothing wrong with a women breast feeding in public. I am commenting on the fact that Britney would probably do it in front of the paparazzi as some sort of PR move since we all know she stopped breast feeding about a minute after he was born.
It's sad when people comment you all offended. This is supposed to be a funny site- if you don't think it's funny, go away. She was talking about doing it IN FRONT OF THE CAMERAS not in general. Life. Get one.
Who said there is anything wrong with giving your baby formula? Not everyone wants to whip out their boobs all the time to be a feeding trough. I love my 2 girls, and they have been formula fed and are happy and healthy. That is so ridiculous. As if that was the topic posted here...I agree with everyone about her stupidity about no hat though. What a moron.
oh man, thats just sick. not beastfeeding in public, hey, sometimes babies get hungry!! what are you going to do, starve them? there not celebs yet heehee!! !!!! yeah but anyway stupid bitch is completely doing the child abuse thing, dont you know babies are ESPECIALLY sesitive to the sun?????!!!!!!! put a hat on him!!! hay his initials are SPF....maybe she should slather some on him...
Good lord, how did the human race ever survive with all of these babies being fatally photosensitive. Get a grip you numbskull hippies, a little sun isn't going to kill the thing.
Why doesn't someone tell that bitch to shield the baby's head from the sun? She's a moron!!!