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A reader of this site sent in the polaroids below.I'm not sure what they were hoping to gain by sending me these but it only really leads to one question. What crazy person let's their eight year old son run around a parking lot in their grandmother's old summer dress? Perhaps an attention crazed whore who dates a naughty Englishman. Hmmmm............ I feel like I'm looking at someone's slideshow of their trip to the county fair.....in the 70's.
Okay, so it's a sunday afternoon and I'm bored. What do ya do? You go on the internet and google some stuff. That leads me to this site and when I read the things you guys write about Sienna it just makes me laugh! Not because you guys are so funny, no, because you guys are so pathetic! Ya'll are jealous and ya know it! If Sienna would read all this stuff she would probably piss herself from laughing so hard! Cause ya know what haters...while you guys spend all your time on hating her(and doing it safe and 'anonymous'), going to websites like these and writing all this trash about her cause all of you got notin better to do, she is out there making millions, being adored by so many people and having the time of her life! So who is the talentless whore out here, it's defenitly not Sienna...
She has worn that ugly dress before. She just doesn't get it. Who are those morons calling her a fashion icon????