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Don't be shocked by this but the latest edition of "The Bachelor" is officially crap. Travis Stork and Sarah Stone had already announced their split. Yawn. So are we going to give this shit up already? Can the next "Bachelor" be a bear or tiger? Then if they don't like the bachelorettes they can just eat them. At this point it would be way more entertaining. Don't mind my erection.
Har har, what was your first guess... could it have been the ring on a necklace!!! He didn't like any of those bitches but the contract says he has to pick one in the end I guess... zzzzzzzzzz At least he was hot, not like Bob or Jerry's brother what's-his-name.
who is this pretty boy, joker, Tavis Dork??--does he like soy lattes and walking in Malibu renting someone's dump. who watches this crap?? Seriously, bachelorette, bachelors, bunches of 30-40somethings, desparate and horny trying to get discovered on the boob tube? Get a job, get a life, donate time/energy to charity, watch politics, and move on. Stop jiggling your body parts to other Hollywood wannabees, get a website or a sit on my face page and blog and blog you generation yers, that way you can sit around your 2 BR apartment in LA while paying some landlord 2K for a tiny filthy craphole, while having 3 roomies and deciding who's turn it is to sleep on the couch.
many of these so-called "realty" shows are not "realty." There are scripts, directors, etc...dictating every flatulence. They are contrived obviously to keep ratings up and keep American suckers watching and talking about it at their lame office jobs. Many of these "realty" people have websites, modelling, been on soft core pornos, or walk on roles in TV shows. Best thing to do---read a book, shut the TV off, read to your child, walk a dog, talk a walk, clean a park, clean a beach, learn a musical instrument, do something other than starring at screens. Or better yet, how about investing, living within your means, and buying a home, so that you CAN MOVE out of that LA apt. and get a life and responsibility--may be scary, but beats having roomies in your 30-40s...pathetic, especially if it is your "bro." Put down that $5 gourmet coffee and start reading, stop fornicating.
Har har, what was your first guess... could it have been the ring on a necklace!!! He didn't like any of those bitches but the contract says he has to pick one in the end I guess... zzzzzzzzzz
At least he was hot, not like Bob or Jerry's brother what's-his-name.