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I hope they get back topgether...maybe she'll start eating again. She's lost even more weight since they broke up. I couldn't give a ahit about most Hollywood couples, but I love these 2 together for some reason.
"Dying Anorexic" seems at first to be a harsh term but when you look closely...it doesn't seem too far off. I pray that someone will get this woman some help.
Of course he puts up with her shit - he's also a now-skinny former-fatty. He may not be in danger of dying but they have a lot in common. Maybe they eat teensy meals together - like one grain of rice each. Followed by some healthy barfing.
oh i hope they get back together---- parasite would DIE with jealousy and think abot it--nicoles fam LIKES AM and AM's fam LIKES nicole, and parasite's greek men's parents think shes utter trash.. you heard what Valentino said about her right? "the hiltons...theyhave nothing... paris isnt even pretty" LOVES IT!
Oh my god you could drive a truck between her legs.... thats just not right. yuk