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Y'know, pregnant does not have to equal sloppy. And adults generally wear shoes when out in public. She needs to grow the fuck up. She is someone's MOTHER now for chrissakes.
But y'know she's got all the white trash accoutrements, even iwth all her money: -greasy, unwashed, shiftless, unemployed, dope-smoking husband, who already has kids (with another woman) he's not taking care of -bare feet -extra pounds & bloat -acne -cheetos -red bull -clothes that don't fit (generally too tight and too short, even during pregnancy) -greasy hair, which changes length and color frequently -pregnancy at a young age, followed quickly by another pregnancy (and another, and another...)
If she is looking this used and abused at this young age, how is she going to look when she's 45?
if any of you thinks she looks fat here, you are crazy. while her legs aren't sticks, they are not fat. she looks healthy here...better than starving herself to 85 pounds.
actually, her weighing in at 85 lbs would be a lot healthier then that awful lifestyle she has been leading since she married that leech. Barefoot and preggers (and soon to be broke)...how chic!
As much as I really REALLY dislike spederline... I have to comment on the fact that people say she's fat because she has thick legs, and a full butt. She's a dancer/performer, and as been for years. Her legs and behind will always be big. I bet you though that her thighs are firm, and don't jiggle when she walks, even though they look "fat". Now the gut hanging out, and the fact that she doesn't seem to understand the concept of a bra most of the time...those are completely seperate issues. Someone with her financial resources has no excuse to look as sloppy as she almost always does these days.
Doesn't this ugly imbecile know that parasites live in dirt, that's not healthy whether she's expecting or not.