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hmmm...oscar is smarter then all the celebs combined...and oscar shuts the fuck up...because oscar can't talk. I think all the celebs should follow in oscars foot steps and....sit still and shut the fuck up....becuase they have nothing to say.
Betty Davis, when she won an academy award went back to her table and looked at the statue, turned to her husband and said "look honey the statue has no butt,and is bald just like you!" her husbands name , Oscar, henceforth the nickname stuck for all time...True story.
Jennifer Gardner almost falling was classic, but she did come up with a good save . . . it was cute. Jennifer Lopez is nasty and her husband is the ugliest human being alive.
hmmm...oscar is smarter then all the celebs combined...and oscar shuts the fuck up...because oscar can't talk. I think all the celebs should follow in oscars foot steps and....sit still and shut the fuck up....becuase they have nothing to say.