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it's somewhat wrong that a girl who clearly starves herself is prancing around at this kind of thing - it boggles my mind. 'hey you can't afford food... but that's cool, being thin is so hot!' ... on a lighter note, that gorgeous boy on the left is like a mini jamie foxx :)
This celebrity do-gooder charade is getting tired. Don't they realize it doesn't change our perception of them one bit? Anything for a photo op I guess.
God!! I'm getting so tired of her. She just changes clothes all day shows up places to get her picture taking so it will be posted and in the magazines. Get a career, Linds...your days of Disney dollars are so over!!
Big deal she posed with African children(who live in the US)while wearing an expnsive dress and jewlery. Until she takes her ass over to African and does some real charity work it's just a photo op.
it's somewhat wrong that a girl who clearly starves herself is prancing around at this kind of thing - it boggles my mind. 'hey you can't afford food... but that's cool, being thin is so hot!' ... on a lighter note, that gorgeous boy on the left is like a mini jamie foxx :)