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Why does she have so many wrinkles in the second pic? I know she's smiling but people in their twenties don't ever get that wrinkled when they smile.
Lay off the cigarettes, shit.
She is so nasty. This week, I've seen pics of her with a bloody coke nose, her breast implant scars from her "wardrobe malfunction" cry for attention, her massive body hair, and now this?
I wish she'd show up at a club with her hair dyed white, lay off the fake bake, and wear white clothes so Nicole Richie would mistake her for a fat line of coke and snort her; rid us all of her.
What's the big deal about her she's homely and sickly looking. She has some weird ring around her lips and she's obviously a coke sniffing attention grabbing skanky whore. I can't stomache that scrony bitch!
god she looks like thirty something in this pic and that dress is an ols lady dress