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Kristin used to go with Matt Leinart, whom also used to go with Alyssa Milano. I just recently found this out in a tabloid last week or 2 weeks ago. If this is true, I hope Matt beat the shit out of Tatoo.I couldn't tolerate my girlfriends dating my ex-boyfriends, oh, hell no!
Jessica is successful..how do you explain her career which is earning her lots of money which Nick is trying to get off? Geez get a clue and a brain at the same time?
Plus Kristin is just a left-over from a reality tv show..Jessica is a celebrity whose agents decided to capitalize on the popularity of her marriage, thus a reality tv show. So would you call Britney a reality tv whore? No u wouldnt would you, idiot.
And for someone who thinks Kristin has brains..that someone is lacking one. Not that I think Jessica is particularly smart but she's much better.
meme and bobbi lynn couldnt agree MORE! kristen is just a stupid whore from LB where she acted like HERSELF! a fat, ugly, fat chested spoiled little skank who thinks she shits ice cream! after her show was pulled after like what? 2 episodes, this bitch FAILED TO GET THE PARTY STARTED!!!! hahaha! now shes up and trying to scrape up her few remaining threads of dignity by dating nick-- which would just be a non-paparazzi event....had he not been married to jessica the real superstar!! oh kristen, just crawl back to chicago with your buck toothed donkey voiced nasal scum
Kristin used to go with Matt Leinart, whom also used to go with Alyssa Milano. I just recently found this out in a tabloid last week or 2 weeks ago. If this is true, I hope Matt beat the shit out of Tatoo.I couldn't tolerate my girlfriends dating my ex-boyfriends, oh, hell no!