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Judging from the pictures below, Lohan seems to have some sort of problem with her finger. I'm not sure if it's some sort of strange disease she's been afflicted with or that she's suffered from some type of permanent damage or something. Maybe it's the sickness she gets when she hangs out with her old friends..........you know that people that actually liked her before she was famous. Maybe it's time for another trip to the hospital. Hopefully she'll use her punch card. Two more visits and her next one's free.Regardless of the situation, we want to wish Lohan and her finger a message of get well soon. Stop or Lohan's finger will shoot. Thanks to I Don't Like you in that Way for the pics and well still liking us in that way.
I haven't posted any of these pics yet. I don't know why. I may be trying to respect her or something, but i know thats just dumb. I probably don't have anything amusing to say about them. she looks good.
How come the famous one looks the most white trash??? Unless that cigarette hanging out of her mouth makes her the classy one.