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It's hard to say. That belly looks a little on the full side and seems a little out of proportion from the rest of her body. Could be that c-section thing. It does take a while for those muscles to strengthen after getting sliced.
Yea...she just had a baby losers. Try getting one and see how fat you get. Some people need to make fun of post-pregnant celebrities to make themselves better. That's sad.
Give me a break! How many young (and older) girls have looked at Brit in her heyday and foolishly skipped a meal? Now that her body looks like the rest of ours, blown out abs and all,pardon me all to hell for smiling a little.
she's just getting lazy........rumor has it she may be pregnant again. i've had 2 babies, and i don't look that shitty. i'm not a supermodel, but i give a shit about my body.
Imagine if she wasn't already a famous "singer", and tried to start a career looking the way she looks now.
Never in a million years would she make it. I really think her career is effectively over, whether or not she has another child with her current loser husband. From the looks of things it is too late for her to have a comeback - she'd have to pull herself out of the depths to which she has fallen and I don't think she has the talent to do that.
The girl in the background has worse cankles...Anywhoo, if Britney stopped dressing like trailer trash, I would stop calling her trailer trash. I don't think she's fat.
I know all of you being rude and derogatory sit around with exceptional hygiene, accessoried properly and in a lovely enviornment. It must be that you polished the rust on your trailer, since you are so obsessed with them. Keep it real!
Damn she just gave birth give her some time to lose the weight. I think she looks good for a woman who gave birth in sept. It's easy to be critical while sitting on your fat ass from behind a computer screen!!! Once she loses the weight people will be saying that she has an eating disorder!! Anonymous is probably a fat lard ass wearing kmart fashions and hating on Brit to make themselves feel better than the shitty looking person they truely are!!!!!!!
she SERIOUSLY needs to get rid of those ugly ass white trash shoes!!! She wears them constantly!!!