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Nick Lachey is not dating the whore from Laguna Beach contrary to popular belief. I believe though that he is fucking that whore from Laguna Beach. Have I cleared up the confusion? Oh I'll handle you with care.......naked in my shower.
cant stand skanksten shes so ridden with stds ( like parasite hilton! ) and nick thought he had it bad with jess? at least she never threw her cooch around ( like skanksten ) so much the boys need a catchers mitt! oh, nick.. you can soo do SOOO much better!
oh man, as SOON as her show failed, and she wasnt hot shit ( she thinks she is ) then she gets with nick to ENSURE her the cover of all the magazines! please, you little guttersnipe white trash buck toothed, donkey drawl moron, stop sucking-- i mean slurping-- i mean scraping the bottom of that toxic waste barrel you spawned from just to stretch your ALREADY OVER 15 seconds of fame into maybe 16 and a 1/2 and NO i am NOT gay, i just think she is utter trash. hey, you can only polish a turd for so long right?
i hate the beyoooottch with a passion and im a MALE! your so right she only did it to be on the cover of tabloid zines because her crappy show failed. i guess this girl FAILED to "get this party started"! !!!!! donkey voice, buck teeth, bad extensions, haggard skin and probably screwing her is like throwing a hotdog down a massive hallway.... at least jess has a tighite!
aaaahahahahaha! That's was GREAT