Disclaimer: The contents that you read on this site are pure rumors and speculation. Nothing on this site should be perceived to be actual news. All images used on this site are taken from the web. If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear on this site, please contact us via e-mail and they will be promptly removed.
Thank you to everyone who submitted photos in the "Spackle Lohan's Face" contest. I received thousands of entries and I spent hours mulling over each and every one of them. I was finally able to come up with a winner. Thanks to Jenny for making Lohan look like a combination of Joan Rivers, Posh Spice, and a melted piece of plastic. Before After Now that's a great nose job......its not going to slide off or anything.
hey, she still looks more natural than joan
check out these horrific celebrity "detouched" pix: