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Mind me while I get my spackle out and try to patch up Lohan's face. ......and if anyone is interested in creatively photo-shopping this picture and sending it to me, send away bitches.
jesus, when will she just disappear? i mean, like, literally disapper like her stupid friend nicole. perhaps the smaller and smaller they become, the less we will see their ugly ass, slut faces. seriously, why do we SEE more of them, even though they are the size of matchsticks?
She was so cute in the remake of the parent trap. This world is such a sad place, why must all the cute kid stars grow up and turn into dirt bags. I loved Hillary Duff in Lizzie MaGuire too. I can't even look at pictures of the Olsen twins with out imagining their cute little 3 year old faces going "you got it dude". :( I'm so sad.
Call me clueless but what's wrong with her face? Is it the freckles?
I'm not a LOhan fan, just wonderin'.....