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OK: officially removing you from my bookmarks (to be replaced by Perez). It was fun while it lasted. Thanks, Kelditty. Good luck with future endeavors.
when did paris grow breast? I thought she said she'd never get implants? dont tell me its just the bra... and if it is im gonna need one of those stat cause I know this chick is flat chested, and that bra makes her look like she's at least a C cup
I heard on BET news that her and 50 cent registered together at a Marriot Resort in London and they did not leave the hotel room for another 6 hours. They also left together in a limo.
"50 cent and Paris Hilton" is too wierd
And when the hell did she get boobs, that support bra is hard at work. lol
What is with the gilded Heidi look?? EEEK!!!