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Lindsay Lohan's mom is defending her daughter after allegations of hard partying behavior.Dina Lohan, stated "there is only so much a child can take" in response to a studio executive's charge that Lohan was "irresponsible and unprofessional" when she didn't show up for work on her movie Georgia Rule. Somebody better clue Dina in that her daughter is far from being a child but then again this isn't the only thing that Mrs. Lohan has a warped mentality about.If your daughter is a child then buy her a Barbie and tell her to go play.Wahh Wahh Wahh. Welll what do you know......Lindsay went to a PARTY this weekend.
If that little twat has a job, then the rules apply. If she is old enough to make decisions to f**k and s**k everyone around, she can make decisions to go or not go to work. And she can deal with the consequences. I am so glad she got blasted..now if this no-talent screeching ho would just drop out of sight, I would be so happy. One less slutty, no talent tramp to have to see on the mags, internet, and tv.
Dina Lohan doesn't want to hear all the criticism of her daughter for two reasons:
-she (Dina) wants to BE her daughter
-without Lindsay this family has NO INCOME
It is all so very fucked up.