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This broad looks like an overripe elf! If any of her friends tell her she looks *younger* or more refreshed after whatever freakin treatments she just got, they're not her friends. Instead of looking like a 39 year-old, she looks like a 60 year-old trying to look 50. It's both sad and funny at the same time.
I am just coated with wax to preserve my inner beauty, you creeps. Geez, A girl tries to stay "fresh faced" for her wedding and you all jump on me like shrimp on the barbie...
Sincerely, Nic
p.s. does anyONE here know the names of the little bastards that arrived the other day? They keep saying they are my children, but I have no recollection of any of that...
Oh how awful, how awful, how awful. She must cringe every time she looks in the mirror.
She used to be so beautiful! And she still is so young. This is just tragic.