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LOL- that comment cracked me up. The photo is actually nice, but I can't get the image of how she looked during the Dateline interview. I kept wondering who ate Brittany!
What is sad is that Sean P. will love those two no matter what they do or how many bad decisions they make for him. To Sean P. Kevin is the best dad in the world and Britney is the best mom in the world simply because he is a tiny baby whose entire world right now is them. Too bad they don't work harder at being what he needs in parents. I wish them luck.
they are exactly the type of rednecks to leave the dirty ocean soaked diaper on the beach when they leave, brit should leave the shit soaked K-Fed on the beach with it.
Sunscreen or not, a baby that age should not be out - bare-chested - at the freakin beach. She's an idiot and Kevin must have a giant dick - for them to stay together. He is sickening.
Two people and a baby trying to have some fun at the beach....leave them alone for goodness sake!!!
I think they look cute...they look like they're having a good time. I'd like to be at the beach right now myself.
I do hope she remembered the sun screen for the baby though! He's lookin' a little pink to me....