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Dont they realize how freaking NASTY they look! No one wants to see their ribs and emaciated look. Woman like Jessica Biel, Cindy Crawford, Angelina Jolie equal GEORGEOUS because they have some meat on their bones and are healthy. This crap Is just Sick.
Um.. wasn't Mary Kate Olsen diagnosed with anorexia after her ribs were seen on the Walk of Fame? Hers didn't look half as bad as Ms Barton's... she looks disgusting and really ill
and what about us skinny from birth-women? should we hide? my mom was twice as skinny as i am at my age, and people still call me an anorexic when im at the beach. i eat like a horse, and feel really sick when i write what you say about skinny chicks. ok, nicole is not normal, but mischa? come on.
Me too!! I have been super duper skinny all my life and hating it. There's nothing I can do about it. I'm tired of people telling me to eat more or put meat on my bones.
On most of the blogs, Mischa looks pretty darn good. This one has sun-shadows or somethin'! (Yeah, that's it.) Anyway, she's usually great looking. Not in the Mary Kate range at all. I think Sally Struthers should step in and help poor Nic !!
Bulimia in the Bay. --------------------------------------------- THE TRUTH ABOUT PEREZ HILTON TWO INTERVIEWS UP http://lemaisondebrandon.blogspot.com/ Brandon's NO1 fansite on the NETTE! ---------------------------------------------
They both look gross,seeing your ribcage is not sexy.I wanna beat them down with a bag of greasy double cheeseburgers.